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Contextual Fit

Modern Office Building


The Smith Family has commissioned you to design an addition to their house on the shore of Long Island Sound. The original house, designed in 1965 by architect Richard Meier, has been widely published and is internationally known. Unfortunately, the Owners needs have change since the original design, thereby warranting this architectural intervention. The Owner specifically request that the integrity of the original design be respected, yet the new addition should have its own presence.

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Analysis of Structural properties as well as the study of spaces within the Smith Home

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The Smith Family has recently asked for renovations to be done to the home without disturbing the original structure. With it current state, the house doesn’t have an adequate area in which a Family room cold be present. The family is looking to create memories together in the home so they have asked for a larger area for the family to congregate after an exhausting day. Both Mr. And Mrs. Smith have also asked to create a space for an outdoor space that allows for the family to live outside as well as inside. Although the Smiths are looking to create an escape for the family, they have also asked for an escape for themselves with a duplex master suite including a master bathroom. With these provisions set in place, the family is overall looking for spaces in which the family can gather as well as a personal escape for Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Project 2: Inner_about


  1.  Family Room

  2. Master Suite

  3. Outdoor Area

Project 2: Inner_about


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Project 2: Inner_about


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Project 2: Inner_about


Project 2: Inner_about


Project 2: Inner_about

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